tech - hawg
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
  Logitec's Skype-enabled phone
Just released in Japan is the new WiFi enabled Skype-ready LAN WSPH01WH phone from Logitech. It uses a b or g wireless modes and does not require you to be hooked up to a pc to use it. If I could still read some Japanese, I might be able to tell you some more information. But I can't so I won't :)

I like the concept, but the price on those devices needs to go down.

I'd rather spend a tiny bit more and use a full-featured Pocket-PC with Skype software loaded.

I've heard rumor that there are new phones coming out with wifi and Skype software loaded. I can't imagine the telcos would like this, but it's brilliant! Why lug around yet another device?
I know I've read about those phones somewhere! If I can find more information on them I'll post about them.
Looks like it will be Skype for phones with the Symbian OS.

Aside from my beloved W800, we also have a Nokia N80. Looks like we might be able to Skype on our N80 in the near future.. maybe?
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